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Board of Directors

Voting Members/Officers and Chairs
Chair/Executive Committee
Kay Purcell
St. Rose, Longview
Vice-Chair/Executive Committee
Dr. Erin Harnish
St. Rose, Longview
Past Chair/Executive Committee
Michael Wright
St. Joseph, Vancouver
Pastoral Leader/Executive Committee
Fr. Tim Ilgen
St. Joseph, Vancouver
Treasurer/Executive Committee
Rob Erickson
Secretary of the Board
Michael Wright
St. Joseph, Vancouver
Gaston De La Torre
St. Joseph, Vancouver
Rev. Ed Obermiller C.S.C.
University of Portland
Patrick Flynn
Our Lady of Lourdes, Vancouver

Annie Buell
St. Joseph, Vancouver
Greg Hall
St Pius X Parish, Portland, Oregon
Ex-Officio and Non-Voting Members
Superintendent of Schools
Nicholas Ford
Archdiocese of Seattle
Robert Rusk
Seton Catholic College Prep
Office of Catholic Schools 
John Sullivan
Archdiocese of Seattle
Matt Schuld
Our Lady of the Lake, Lake Oswego
Rob Erickson-Chair
Michael Wright
Gaston De La Torre
Matt Holderman
Greg Damico
Steve Hansen
Robert Rusk 
John Butorac
Tricia Roscoe
Rev. Ed Obermiller C.S.C.-Chair
Joe Pauletto
Steve Hansen
Jo Marie Hansen
Byron Roselli
Lisa Da Silva
Megan Seus-Keim Smith
Brent Bradshaw
David Wilson
Peggy DiPrima
David Bottoms
Lisa Ackerman
Ed Little
Robert Rusk
Craig Schaefer
Jennifer Naughton