Seton Catholic College Prep requires students at each grade level to perform community service. This requirement expresses at the deepest level who we are as a Catholic school. We aspire to teach our students to live their faith by imitating Jesus Christ, whose ministry on earth focused largely on service to those in need, whether they be sick, lonely, hungry, or simply neglected by society. Our hope is that through this service, students will become aware of their responsibilities as Christians to serve others, especially those in need.
Freshman year: 20 hours
Sophomore year: 20 hours
Junior year: 30 hours
Senior year: Senior Project - Minimum of 30 hours (Project approved by Theology teacher)
*PLEASE NOTE:*100 total hours* are required to graduate from Seton Catholic Prep.
Each senior must plan and carry out an independent, meaningful, long-term Service Project that benefits the larger community outside of Seton Catholic. This project should do the following:
- Give back to a larger community
- Challenge and expand your knowledge and/or skills (No big events, concerts, plays, etc.)
- Pursue your interests or future plans/vocations
- Be meaningful, real, and “hands on” (No fundraisers, drives, or school clubs)
- Take at least 30 hours to complete
- Logged via MobileServe and categorized as “Senior Service Project”
All hours should be logged on MobileServe. MobileServe is Seton Catholic Prep’s system for recording and tracking volunteer service hours. All volunteer service hours are recorded and tracked on the mobileserve app on your iPad or smartphone.
By the end of 4th quarter, each student must complete a written reflection on his/her service experience and turn it in to their Theology teacher. All service hours, documentation, and reflection assignments. The service requirement comprises 10% of students’ fourth quarter Theology grade.
Jesus' message is to love your neighbor and serve your brothers and sisters.
"Our love is not to be just words or mere talk, but something real and active." (1 Jn. 3:18)