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Student Life & Activities

At Seton Catholic College Prep, student life is an integral part of making our school feel like the family it is. Our student life encompasses ministry, leadership, clubs, activities, and so much more. It is our belief that all students at Seton Catholic are given the opportunity to show others, both in and out of the school community, their many talents that help benefit the community here in Southwest Washington.
Student Activities:
ASB Cabinet
Advisor: Carol Patton
Meetings Mondays @ lunch
Gold Team Ambassadors
Advisor: Keri Kutch
By application only
Knowledge Bowl
Advisor: Dan Floyd
Advisor: Kendra Brislawn
Mock Trial
Advisor: Anne Marie Blaydon
National Honor Society (NHS)
Advisor: David Hildebrand
Science Olympiad
Advisor: Dan Chase
Student Advocacy
Advisor: Robert Rusk